Acupuncture for Allergies
Tucson Acupuncturist – Juan Tejada – American Health Acupuncture
The Fall brings us the beautiful color of the leaves at the end of their cycle and the cool weather that we Arizonans brag about. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) we relate this process to the Lungs with its emotions of melancholy, sadness and grief. This energy change makes the Lungs more sensitive and that is why lots of people suffer from fall allergies. To help with the allergies, we treat the Lungs to make them strong and the Spleen to boost the immune system.
In case you were not aware, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicinal Herbs treats allergies successfully. It usually takes about 10 treatments to heal them and then, depending on your constitution, come for occasional tune ups.
Why suffer through this beautiful Season – when you can heal your allergies with Traditional Chinese Medicine?!
Call us for a consultation and get relief today. 520-544-6603